Height Restrictions In Edon

Edon Vil­lage Coun­cil met Mon­day evening, and with lit­tle else on their plate last night, passed an ordi­nance adopt­ing amend­ments to the zon­ing code regard­ing height restric­tions in the com­mer­cial and busi­ness dis­trict. In other light action, coun­cil approved a res­o­lu­tion allow­ing the vil­lage to par­tic­i­pate in the Ohio Pub­lic Employ­ees Deferred Com­pen­sa­tion Pro­gram, which is a ben­e­fit for employ­ees that comes at no cost to the vil­lage. Vil­lage res­i­dents should remem­ber that all items need to be removed from the ceme­tery by March 26th as the ceme­tery land­scap­ing project is slated to be done by Memo­r­ial Day. Other dis­cus­sion cen­tered on the con­di­tion of the roof of vil­lage office build­ing. Coun­cil agreed that they need to look into the issue and pos­si­bly begin to get some quotes for repairs if nec­es­sary. And finally, res­i­dents of Edon are reminded that annual golf cart inspec­tions will begin by the police on April first, another sign of spring.

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