Henry Commissioners Get Updates

The Henry County Com­mis­sion­ers have receive an update on the project planned for improve­ments to the heat­ing, ven­ti­la­tion and air con­di­tion­ing sys­tem at the county cour­t­house.

Palmer Con­ser­va­tion told the com­mis­sion­ers that project will begin on March 10th, and should be fin­ished about one month later. The improve­ments should make for more even flow of heat­ing and cool­ing through­out the cour­t­house.

Also, the Henry County Com­mis­sion­ers were told that some addi­tional funds may be avail­able through the Com­mu­nity Hous­ing Impact and Preser­va­tion pro­gram, which makes improve­ments in res­i­den­tial hous­ing for low and mod­er­ate income Ohio res­i­dents.

Com­mis­sion­ers learned that as much as an addi­tional $50,000 in fund­ing may be avail­able each year.

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