Only one com­pany sub­mit­ted a bid for the project to upgrade the heating-ventillation-and air con­di­tion­ing con­trol sys­tem for the Henry County Cour­t­house. That pro­posal from Lake Erie Elec­tric of Bowl­ing Green was reviewed last week by the board, and had a price tag of $43,505; which is about $6,000 under the engineer’s esti­mate.

The project is planned to cre­ate a more even heat­ing and cool­ing through­out the his­toric cour­t­house. The bid was tabled for more review.

Com­mis­sion­ers last week also approved a pay­ment of $27,546 to Rupp Rose­brock for the instal­la­tion of a hand­i­capped acces­si­ble ramp to the Henry County Sheriff’s office.

And, three county res­i­dents were re-appointed to new terms on the Henry County Com­mu­nity Improve­ment Cor­po­ra­tion. They include com­mis­sioner Glenn Miller, county audi­tor Kevin Gar­ringer, and Ham­ler Mayor Jeff Brubaker.

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