A lawyer for a 31-year-old sol­dier accused of stran­gling one man and stab­bing another dur­ing a trip to see his estranged wife in south­east­ern Michi­gan says he may pur­sue an insan­ity defense.

Thirty-one-year-old Pfc. Brian Gogue of Mary­land awaits trial on open mur­der and attempted mur­der charges.

He appeared Wednes­day in Lenawee County Cir­cuit Court in Adrian and has another hear­ing sched­uled for Jan 29, 2014.

Pros­e­cu­tors say Gogue killed 20-year-old Joel Krutsch of Adrian and stabbed Scott Fer­nan­dez in the shoul­der Oct. 5 at a mobile home park while on leave from his post­ing in South Korea.

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