Henry Commissioners Meet

The Henry County com­mis­sion­ers met on Tues­day.

The Cres­cent News reports that the com­mis­sion­ers awarded a bid to Mack Indus­tries Inc., of Bowl­ing Green, for four-sided rein­forced con­crete boxes in the amount of $70,230.

At Tuesday’s meet­ing, the com­mis­sion­ers also approved appoint­ing four area res­i­dents to the Henry County Revolv­ing Loan Fund com­mit­tee. .

Henry County Com­mis­sion­ers on Tues­day, also approved two pro­pos­als… one from W.R. Mey­ers Co. Inc. for repairs on the east side of the cour­t­house and coat­ing in the amount of $37,384.

The other one from Pro OnCall Tech­nolo­gies for new call account­ing soft­ware to track incom­ing and out­go­ing local and long dis­tance phone calls in the amount of $4,933.

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