Henry Commissioners Named In Lawsuit

A law­suit has been filed against the Henry County com­mis­sion­ers by a Napoleon busi­ness­man.

Dou­glas Pelmear and Horse Power Sales Net Inc. filed the suit in Defi­ance County Com­mon Pleas Court against the com­mis­sion­ers and a list of oth­ers, alleg­ing that paper­work was not prop­erly pre­pared for a $50,000 revolv­ing loan for his busi­ness.

Specif­i­cally, the suit claims that on Aug. 14, 2009, Henry County com­mis­sion­ers “caused to pre­pare and sign a Promis­sory Note” intend­ing to pro­vide $50,000 in revolv­ing loan money to Horse Power Sales Net. How­ever, the suit states that the note was not signed by Horse Power Sales Net or Pelmear.

The suit asks for a money judg­ment against the defen­dants.

Mean­while, in 2012, the Henry County com­mis­sion­ers filed a law­suit in Henry County Com­mon Pleas Court to recoup a $50,000 revolv­ing loan from Horse Power Sales Net Inc and Pelmear.

On Tues­day, a writ of exe­cu­tion was filed in Henry County Com­mon Pleas Court as part of the 2012 case order­ing the Henry County Sheriff’s Office to seize a 1965 Ford Mus­tang GT and a 1993 Ford Mus­tang Spe­cial Edi­tion, or any other prop­erty titled to Horse Power Sales Net Inc in Napoleon.

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