Some peo­ple in Henry County will be hit­ting the roads to clean up the county’s road­ways as part of the annual Henry County Lit­ter Roundup event, spon­sored by the Henry County Solid Waste Dis­trict.

Each year, about 300 indi­vid­u­als, fam­i­lies and orga­ni­za­tions vol­un­teer to clean more than 800 miles of county and town­ship roads.

One thing county offi­cials cau­tion those par­tic­i­pat­ing to avoid… a dis­carded meth lab.

Dis­carded meth lab mate­ri­als may be dan­ger­ous and can explode or cause seri­ous burns.

County offi­cials say peo­ple should be on the look­out for any bot­tle that has a crys­tal or salt-like sub­stance in it, any bot­tles with tub­ing com­ing out of the caps or that have holes drilled in them.

If some­thing sus­pi­cious is found, offi­cials say peo­ple should con­tact authorities.

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