Henry County Court News

Henry County Court has been a busy place recently.

Estel Lud­wig of Wood County was sen­tenced to 59 months in prison, after plead­ing guilty to Break­ing and Enter­ing.

49 year old John Suber of Desh­ler pled guilty to a felony charge of Domes­tic Vio­lence. Suber was ordered to serve 10 months in prison.

30 year old William Rader of Napoleon was found guilty of Grand Theft of a Motor Vehi­cle, and for Fail­ure to Com­ply with an Offi­cer. That earned Rader 17 months in prison.

And Ricky Rye, Jr. of Napoleon was found guilty of Break­ing and Enter­ing, along with Pos­ses­sion of Crim­i­nal Tools, and Fail­ure to Com­ply with an Offi­cer. Rye was placed on com­mu­nity con­trol for three years; and ordered to spend 90 days behind bars.

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