The Henry County Sheriff’s Office now has a K-9 unit.

Andy, a 1-year old Ger­man shep­herd, recently com­pleted his six weeks of train­ing and joined the office on a full-time basis.

The Sher­iff says the office was able to acquire Andy and his train­ing thtrough an anony­mous dona­tion. IAMS will donate his food for life and Napoleon Vet Clinic and Pam­pered Pets in Napoleon will profice check-ups and groom­ing.

Andy was actu­ally born in Ger­many and is trained to per­form a num­ber of tasks, includ­ing nar­cotics detec­tion, track­ing, offi­cer pro­tec­tion and gen­eral obe­di­ence. He will pri­mar­ily be used for nar­cotics and track­ing work.

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