Because of finan­cial prob­lems, the Henry County Humane Soci­ety will no longer accept dogs and pup­pies for sur­ren­der from the pub­lic start­ing Thurs­day.

Res­i­dents who show up with dogs or pup­pies at the shel­ter on Inde­pen­dence Drive in Napoleon will be referred to the Henry County Dog War­den.

The humane soci­ety receives about 160 owner-surrendered dogs and pup­pies in a typ­i­cal year, while the dog war­den takes in about 180 strays.

Part of the humane society’s finan­cial strain, accord­ing to soci­ety offi­cials, is from Henry County open­ing its own dog shel­ter and end­ing its con­tract with the soci­ety.

They say The humane soci­ety will still accept cat and kit­ten sur­ren­ders, will place cats and kit­tens up for adop­tion, and will con­tinue to inves­ti­gate cru­elty claims.

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