Henry County Sentencings

Some recent sen­tenc­ings in Henry County Com­mon Pleas Court…

Daniel Bet­tis of Hamil­ton, Ohio pled guilty to Impor­tun­ing, and Unlaw­ful Sex­ual Con­duct with a Minor involv­ing ille­gal con­tact with a juve­nile through the inter­net or telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, to engage in sex­ual activ­ity. Bet­tis was sen­tenced by Judge John Col­lier to a total of 6 and a half years in prison and was clas­si­fied as a Tier-3 sex offender, mean­ing he will have to report his res­i­dence to local law offi­cers for rest of his life.

35 year old Billy Wil­son of Napoleon was found guilty of Break­ing and Enter­ing. Wil­son was placed on com­mu­nity con­trol for 3 years and will be locked up for 60 days at the regional jail. He also has to make resti­tu­tion of nearly $1,500.

Tim­o­thy Fuller of Napoleon pled guilty to Vio­lat­ing a Civil Pro­tec­tion Order, and was placed on com­mu­nity con­trol for 5 years and to serve 12 months at CCNO.

Two peo­ple were found guilty of Oper­at­ing a motor vehi­cle while Intox­i­cated. Pre-sentence inves­ti­ga­tions were ordered by the court for 38 year old Randy Bel­mares of Hol­gate, and 24 year old Ben Behn­feldt of Napoleon.

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