The Henry County Depart­ment of Health reports that 162 cases of influenza have been reported to the depart­ment, along with sev­eral hos­pi­tal­iza­tions and one flu death so far this year in Henry County.

The depart­ment goes on to state that, while it seems high and any death related to the flu is unfor­tu­nate, this is typ­i­cal for a nor­mal flu sea­son.

This year, the H1N1 flu virus is espe­cially affect­ing young and middle-aged adults.

The Henry County health depart­ment still has flu vac­cine avail­able for the pub­lic. Appoint­ments for a vac­ci­na­tion can be made by call­ing the health depart­ment at 419–599-5554. The depart­ment accepts Med­ic­aid, Medicare and most pri­vate insurance.

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