Henry Sheriff Warns Of Scam

The Henry County Sher­iff today is warn­ing folks of a tele­phone scam that has been cir­cu­lat­ing the area. The caller iden­ti­fies as a rep­re­sen­ta­tive from the Inter­nal Rev­enue Ser­vice. Accord­ing to the sher­iff, the callers use intim­i­da­tion tac­tics and tell res­i­dents that money is owed in back taxes. To avoid being placed in jail, the caller says imme­di­ate pay­ment is needed and that they will take credit card infor­ma­tion. You should know that it doesn’t hap­pen that way, and it’s a scam accord­ing to the sher­iff. Do not give any per­sonal infor­ma­tion or make any kind of pay­ment over the phone. The IRSwill not con­tact any­one like that. Any­one who has ques­tions about this scam should con­tact their local law enforce­ment agency.

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