Herz­ing Uni­ver­sity — Toledo has announced that the school is avail­able to assist stu­dents cur­rently tak­ing classes at Ivy Bridge Col­lege, after it was learned Mon­day that the online edu­ca­tion option at Ivy Bridge will cease oper­a­tions in late Octo­ber.

The two cam­puses offer pro­grams in health­care, tech­nol­ogy, crim­i­nal jus­tice, and busi­ness, so Herz­ing Uni­ver­sity — Toledo is actively reach­ing out to Ivy Bridge stu­dents to help them tran­si­tion and con­tinue their higher edu­ca­tion in those career-oriented sub­ject areas.

Inter­ested stu­dents can call 419.776.0300 or stop by the Herz­ing Uni­ver­sity — Toledo cam­pus to obtain more infor­ma­tion about pos­si­bly trans­fer­ring their course­work. Herz­ing admis­sions rep­re­sen­ta­tives will be avail­able until 8 p.m. every day this week to accom­mo­date poten­tial trans­fer students.

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