An inves­ti­ga­tion into four auto thefts in Williams County led to a high-speed chase Thurs­day morn­ing, which in turn, led to injuries for two offi­cers and dam­age to three police cruis­ers. In the end, two men were in police cus­tody.

A joint press release issued last evening by the Stueben County Sheriff’s Office and the Williams County Sheriff’s Office says it all started early Thurs­day morn­ing when a Steuben County deputy saw two vehi­cles head­ing west on Metz Road, both reported stolen ear­lier in the week.

The dri­vers tried to get away, but one vehi­cle want into a ditch. The other con­tin­ued on before stop­ping. Sergeant Todd Pat­ter­son of the Steuben County Sheriff’s office stepped out of his cruiser. At that, the dri­ver threw the vehi­cle into reverse, and hit Pat­ter­son and his car, then took off again.

An Ohio State High­way Patrol trooper and another Steuben County sheriff’s K9 unit blocked the road, how­ever the punched his way through.

Both cruis­ers were dam­aged and the trooper sus­tained minor injuries.

22 year old Christo­pher Ervin and 24 year old Tim­o­thy Dull, both of Hamil­ton, Indi­ana were taken into cus­tody as was Dull’s femail com­pan­ion, but she was later released and no charges were filed against her.

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