High Speed Chase Runs Through Three Counties

The Williams County Sheriff’s Office says a man led police on a three county chase on Tues­day night after police tried to serve him a war­rant out of Pauld­ing County at Moore Park in Bryan. 30-year-old Dustin Dobbe­laere of Oak­wood, Ohio took off from deputies and Bryan City Police offi­cers in his pickup truck. The pur­suit went through Defi­ance County and ended north of Antwerp in Pauld­ing County. Dobbe­laere was taken into cus­tody, and is being charged with felony flee­ing and elud­ing charges in Williams County, along with charges from the Mul­ti­ple Area Nar­cotics Unit and the Pauld­ing County Sheriff’s Depart­ment. A pas­sen­ger, 30-year-old Tiffany Five­coat of Stryker, was arrested on a pro­ba­tion vio­la­tion. Five­coat was taken to the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio.

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