High Speed Chase

The Williams County Sheriff’s Offi­cer reports that a Michi­gan man is behind bars fol­low­ing a high-speed chase.

It started just before 2am Sat­ur­day when a Williams County deputy saw a vehi­cle trav­el­ing at a high rate of speed and headed east on U.S. 20A in Madi­son Town­ship. The deputy tried to pull the vehi­cle over, but the dri­ver refused to stop.

Dur­ing the pur­suit, it was found the sus­pect vehi­cle had been reported stolen out of Michi­gan.

With the use of spike strips, offi­cers finally stopped the vehi­cle on County Road C, just west of the inter­sec­tion with Ohio 576 in Cen­ter Town­ship.

26 year old Stephen Asher of Bat­tle Creek, Mich., was taken into cus­tody and charged with flee­ing and elud­ing a police offi­cer, receiv­ing stolen prop­ert, and numer­ous traf­fic offenses. Asher was then locked behind bars at the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio.

The inves­ti­ga­tion is continuing.

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