High Speed Internet Finally To Be A Local Reality

The 21st Cen­tury is clos­ing in fast on Bryan..

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, cus­tomers of Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties’ Inter­net ser­vice soon should notice some faster speeds and bet­ter con­nec­tions.

A recent upgrade to the util­i­ties’ cur­rent 45 Mbps ded­i­cated cir­cuit to a 500 Mbps eth­er­net cir­cuit sup­plied by Sprint should have blaz­ing results.

How­ever, and accord­ing to the news­pa­per, despite the efforts of BMU Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Super­in­ten­dent Joe Fer­rell, the cir­cuit has yet to be deliv­ered after a wait of two years.

Fer­rell said that once it is finally installed, cus­tomers will notice an imme­di­ate change.

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