Holgate Rules On Trees

In Hol­gate, vil­lage lead­ers have approved some changes to the vil­lage tree ordi­nance.

The vil­lage will no longer plant trees in the right-of-way of any plot­ted street. Res­i­dents who want to plant a tree in the right-of-way in front of their res­i­dence may do so, but first they need a per­mit from the vil­lage. Addi­tion­ally, a list of accept­able tree types will be avail­able from the vil­lage.

Cut backs on the num­ber of trees being taken down by the vil­lage are also now being imple­mented. While right-of-way trees that appear to be haz­ardous will still be cut, other tree trim­mings will be, well… trimmed.

Now, any deci­sion to cut down a tree will be based on infor­ma­tion obtained from tree sur­veys, and a per­mit will be required if a home­owner wants to prune or take down a street tree themselves.

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