Findlay Residents Told No More Tax Credits

Find­lay res­i­dents employed out­side the city won’t be receiv­ing a munic­i­pal income tax credit.

On Tues­day, Find­lay City Coun­cil dis­cussed the tax credit idea with coun­cil mem­bers dis­miss­ing it as fis­cally risky and fun­da­men­tally unfair.

Offer­ing a credit for Find­lay res­i­dents who work out­side of the city, and pay another city’s income tax, began in 1967 when Findlay’s 1 per­cent income tax col­lec­tion started. Res­i­dents were offered a full credit until 1979. The credit then fluc­tu­ated between a half-percent and 1 per­cent.

In 2009, the half-percent credit was abol­ished.

In 2013, the credit would have resulted in the city’s tax col­lec­tion being reduced by $567,617.

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