Holiday Gas Prices

The price of gaso­line this Memo­r­ial Day is about where it has been for the past two or three Memo­r­ial Days.

Nation­ally, the aver­age is right around $3.64 per gal­lon. In Bryan, we’re pay­ing on aver­age, a lit­tle more than that this Memo­r­ial Day, with prices at the pump at most loca­tions hold­ing at $3.88 or $3.89 a gal­lon.

Between 2003 and 2008, it should be noted that gas prices more than dou­bled, reach­ing an all time high in 2008 in some areas of $4.11 a gal­lon. Then came the reces­sion, and with it, some­what lower prices.

Accord­ing to AAA, dri­vers are hit­ting the roads this hol­i­day week­end in record num­bers.

AAA also says, across the nation, dri­vers will likely be pay­ing less in the com­ing weeks, the result of a typ­i­cal sea­sonal decline between late spring and early summer.

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