Pro­vi­sional num­bers released Mon­day by the Ohio State High­way Patrol show there were 13 peo­ple killed on Ohio’s road­ways this Thanks­giv­ing Hol­i­day which is two below the four-year aver­age. Dur­ing the report­ing period, which began Wednes­day, Novem­ber 27, at 12:00 a.m., and ran through Sun­day, Decem­ber 1, at 11:59 p.m., 13 peo­ple were killed in 11 crashes. This is an increase from last year, when 12 peo­ple were killed in nine fatal crashes.

The Patrol arrested 503 dri­vers for OVI dur­ing the hol­i­day week­end, a nearly nine per­cent increase over last year’s hol­i­day.

A com­plete sta­tis­ti­cal analy­sis of the Patrol’s enforce­ment activ­ity over the hol­i­day week­end is avail­able at

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