Holiday Travel Expected To Be Heavy

Heav­ier traf­fic dur­ing the Labor Day hol­i­day results in a greater risk of traf­fic crashes. To keep Ohio road­ways safe, the Ohio State High­way Patrol says they will be out in full force this week­end look­ing for dan­ger­ous dri­vers and motorists in need. Motorists can assist in the effort by dri­ving only when they are buck­led up, sober and focused on the road. Dur­ing last year’s four-day hol­i­day report­ing period, 12 peo­ple lost their lives on Ohio’s road­ways, with 7 of those deaths involv­ing an impaired dri­ver. Nation­wide in 2013, 38 per­cent of crash fatal­i­ties over the Labor Day week­end involved impaired dri­vers, accord­ing to the National High­way Traf­fic Safety Admin­is­tra­tion. This resulted in 161 lives lost.
The 2015 Labor Day week­end report­ing period began today and ends Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 7. Motorists are encour­aged to use #677 to report impaired dri­vers and drug activity.

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