Hong Kong Murder Case With Local Connection

It’s not often we have a story from Hong Kong that has local rel­e­vance, but this one does.

The top court in Hong Kong last week, rejected a final bid for an appeal by a woman from Adrian who was con­victed of drug­ging her wealthy banker hus­band and then bash­ing him to death.

Nancy Kissel, an Adrian native, was con­victed twice for the 2003 mur­der of her hus­band, Robert Kissel, who worked for Mer­rill Lynch and Gold­man Sachs.

The case was referred to as the “Milk­shake Mur­der,” and grabbed world head­lines.

A three-judge panel at the Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong has dis­missed Nancy Kissel’s appli­ca­tion for appeal.

Kissel was She was sen­tenced to life in 2012 after pros­e­cu­tors said she killed her hus­band by giv­ing him a sedative-laced milk­shake and then blud­geon­ing him with a metal orna­ment before wrap­ping his body up in a car­pet.

Kissel stood to gain up to $18 mil­lion in her husband’s death, and she planned to run away with a TV repair­man with whom she was hav­ing an affair.

The case spawned at least two books and a TV special.

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