House Of Filth

Two peo­ple near Defi­ance have been arrested after author­i­ties had to remove nearly four dozen cats and dogs from their home.

The Defi­ance County Sheriff’s Office says 33 year old Ralph Rupp and his wife, 31 year old Tamara Rupp, were charged with two counts of child endan­ger­ing, and 10 counts of ani­mal cru­elty.

The charges were filed after the sheriff’s office and other county offi­cials inves­ti­gated a “report of a dirty home” in which chil­dren were liv­ing.

When offi­cials got there, they found a home with no run­ning water, no elec­tric­ity, ani­mal feces every­where, ani­mals in the win­dows and “deplorable liv­ing con­di­tions”.

11 dogs and 36 cats were removed from the home and taken to the Defi­ance County Humane Society’s ani­mal shel­ter.

Defi­ance County Health Depart­ment offi­cials were also involved in the case.

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