Humane Society Urges Neutering

Offi­cials with the Fort Defi­ance Humane Soci­ety are hop­ing that low-cost spay and neuter pro­grams will lead to fewer cats run­ning free in the county. They say that although they have an almost 100-percent suc­cess rate when it comes to adopt­ing dogs, at least 60 per­cent of the cats that come in are euth­a­nized. In fact, they say Defi­ance County is over­pop­u­lated by cats. In an attempt to address that prob­lem, the humane soci­ety, in con­junc­tion with the Hicksville Vet Clinic is offer­ing a $10 male feline neuter on Fri­day, Oct. 16. The pro­gram is open to any male cats, because they say, tar­get­ing the male cats is impor­tant as one male cat can impreg­nate 20 females dur­ing the breed­ing sea­son. 120 cats were neutered dur­ing a neuter ses­sion in April. The goal for Oct. 16 is 125–150. To make an appoint­ment, visit the Fort Defi­ance Humane Soci­ety or call them at 419–658-2298.

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