Hundreds arrested for OVI last weekend

In the lat­est OVI enforce­ment over last week­end, The Ohio State High­way Patrol arrested 399 dri­vers, an 81 per­cent increase from the same week­end two years ago, and 40 per­cent more than last year at this time.

The high-visibility enforce­ment began Fri­day, Decem­ber 4 and ended Sun­day, Decem­ber 6. Troop­ers from the Indi­ana State Police, Ken­tucky State Police, Michi­gan State Police, Ohio State High­way Patrol, Penn­syl­va­nia State Police and the West Vir­ginia State Police all were part of it.

Across the six states, troop­ers arrested nearly 800 people.

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