Important mailing dates for holiday packages

Our friends at the United States Postal Ser­vice remind us of those impor­tant dead­lines to get cards and pack­ages in the mail in time for Christ­mas delivery.

First class mail should be at the post office by Decem­ber 19th. If you’re pay­ing a lesser rate, get it there sooner, by Decem­ber 15th. Send­ing care pack­ages to mil­i­tary fam­ily mem­bers should be post­marked by the 10th. If they are pri­or­ity, you have another week, until Decem­ber 17th.

For folks who don’t want to wait in line, postage can be pur­chased online and printed at home. And the postal ser­vice will even pick up your pack­age if you’d like. Get info at

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