Indictments In Defiance

Sev­eral indict­ments were handed down in Defi­ance County Court…

32 year old Krys­tal Oehler of Arch­bold was indicted for Pos­ses­sion of Cocaine, and Aggra­vated Pos­ses­sion of Drugs.

31 year old Larry Franklin of Ft. Wayne was indicted for Pro­mot­ing Pros­ti­tu­tion after pros­e­cu­tors say Franklin brought a woman to a hotel in Defi­ance, with the sole intent to engage in sex for hire.

43 year old Neil Craw­ford of Defi­ance was indicted on two counts of Ille­gal Man­u­fac­ture of Drugs, and for Aggra­vated Pos­ses­sion of Drugs.

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