The Greater Hills­dale Humane Soci­ety has a cri­sis on their hands and peo­ple there hope that the orga­ni­za­tion which res­cues and shel­ters around 500 dogs and cats every year, will be able to keep its doors open.

Due to an admin­is­tra­tive over­sight, the Society’s tax-exempt sta­tus has lapsed and a lien has been placed on the shel­ter prop­erty by the IRS for unpaid with­hold­ing taxes.

The issue, accord­ing to shel­ter offi­cials, came up at the worst pos­si­ble time as the shel­ter is work­ing to raise funds to cover oper­a­tions and meet the costs of state-mandated ren­o­va­tion of its head­quar­ters.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the orga­ni­za­tion has since applied for rein­state­ment of its tax-exempt sta­tus, but has been told by IRS offi­cials that the bureau which han­dles non-profit orga­ni­za­tions is backed up with both new appli­ca­tions and renewals and that the humane society’s appli­ca­tion may not be addressed for months.

In the mean­time, the shel­ter needs all the help it can get if it wants to sur­vive.

It requires about $10,000 per month to oper­ate.

Any­one inter­ested in help­ing in any way can con­tact the humane soci­ety by phone at 517–523-2308 or email at Dona­tions also can be made via Pay­Pal on the Society’s Face­book page.

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