IRS scam continues to frighten people

The IRS scam just won’t go away. Sher­iff Michael Boden­ben­der in Henry County is warn­ing res­i­dents about the lat­est scam. Accord­ing to his office, poten­tial vic­tims receive a call at home by some­one claim­ing to be the IRS. They explain you owe back taxes, and if you don’t pay imme­di­ately, they will arrest you or put out a war­rant for your arrest. They are very force­ful and threat­en­ing. The Sheriff’s Office says don’t give any per­sonal infor­ma­tion to the callers, and sim­ply hang up. If they con­tinue to call and harass you, tell them you know it’s a scam and you’ve reported them to the Sheriff’s Office or local Police. Then be sure to do that. The IRS will never call you on the phone to col­lect money.

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