“It’s A Wonderful Life” like you’ve never seen it

Williams County Com­mu­nity The­atre is in dress rehearsals this week, as they get ready to open the cur­tain Fri­day night on their Decem­ber pro­duc­tion, “It’s A Won­der­ful Life: A Live Radio Play.” The the­atre group is ask­ing patrons to donate canned goods and non-perishable food items to help local fam­i­lies in need this hol­i­day sea­son. They’ll do that at each per­for­mance begin­ning Fri­day and going through Decem­ber 13th. The per­for­mances are at the Williams County Com­mu­nity The­atre on W. But­ler Street in Bryan.

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NSCC to receive funding for security projects.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced Monday that 28 colleges and universities in Ohio will receive …