It’s that time of year again… The cook­ies are back!

Girl Scouts through­out the region will be sell­ing cook­ies the next few weeks.

As of Fri­day, Six kinds of cook­ies are avail­able this year: thin mints, samoas, taga­longs, do-si-dos, short­bread, and Savan­nah Smiles. Boxes this year will cost $5 each.

All pro­ceeds from cookie sales stay in the com­mu­nity. Sales will go through Feb. 7, and the cook­ies will arrive Feb. 28.

Accord­ing to infor­ma­tion from the Girl Scout Research Insti­tute, a recent study of scouts found through the cookie pro­gram 85 per­cent increased money man­age­ment skills as they took cookie orders and han­dled cus­tomers money; 80 per­cent set goals and cre­ated objec­tives to make them, and 77 per­cent made impor­tant deci­sions such as work­ing as a team to decide what to do with money earned and when and where to sell cookies.

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