It’s Officially A Homicide Now

Word came down late Tues­day after­noon from The Toledo Police Depart­ment that the death of Brandi Gonyer-Boaston was a homi­cide.

The Bryan Times reports that the Lucas County Coroner’s Office offi­cially listed the cause of death as being due to asphyx­i­a­tion, and there­fore, a homi­cide.

The body of 28 year old Gonyer-Boaston, who was from Hol­land, Ohio, was dis­cov­ered by hunters early Sat­ur­day morn­ing inside a run­ning vehi­cle parked in a field in Ful­ton County.

The Ful­ton County Sheriff’s Office is also inves­ti­gat­ing the death.

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