It’s Still Winter

We may have “sprung ahead” this past week­end, and spring, accord­ing to the cal­en­dar is only a lit­tle more than a week away, but old man win­ter isn’t quite ready to release his icy grip yet.

The National Weather Ser­vice has issued a Win­ter Storm Watch for Williams, Defi­ance, Henry, Pauld­ing, Ful­ton, and Put­nam coun­ties.

Heavy snow is expected to fall late tonight into Wednes­day. Mod­er­ate to heavy snow will over­spread the area tonight accord­ing to fore­cast­ers, who say it will con­tinue into Wednes­day as a strength­en­ing low pres­sure sys­tem tracks east through south­ern Indi­ana and Ohio.

Pre­cip­i­ta­tion in much of our area, and espe­cially right here in Bryan, will likely begin as a period of rain before chang­ing over to all snow from north­west to south­east.

The weather ser­vice says we should brace for snow accu­mu­la­tions of between 4 and 8 inches.

It will be windy too, with gusts to 35 mph, cre­at­ing blow­ing and drift­ing snow and haz­ardous travel.

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