If vot­ers in the Bryan City School Dis­trict approve the bond issue on Tuesday’s bal­lot, the exist­ing mid­dle school would be retained, but would be ren­o­vated specif­i­cally for preschool­ers through fifth graders.

A new, two-story school would be built for grades six to 12 south­east of the mid­dle school, and would include class­rooms, along with a gym­na­sium and other com­mon areas.

Accord­ing to a report in the Bryan Times, the school board and admin­is­tra­tion will seek out experts in var­i­ous fields, such as land devel­op­ment, roof­ing, heat­ing, ven­ti­la­tion and air con­di­tion­ing and other spe­cific areas of design and con­struc­tion.

Although many details of the grade six to 12 school have not yet been decided, school offi­cials do say it will be a two-story build­ing with sep­a­rate class­room and com­mon areas includ­ing a gym­na­sium, media cen­ter, cafe­te­ria, stu­dent din­ing area, and facil­i­ties for music and visual arts.

It’s all in the hands of dis­trict vot­ers, who will make the final deci­sion next Tuesday.

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