A man was sen­tenced Mon­day on two child endan­ger­ing charges in Defi­ance County Com­mon Pleas Court after a 6-week-old infant he was car­ing for suf­fered frac­tures to her arm, leg and ribs.

A judge sen­tenced 21 year old Patrick Goudy of Defi­ance to 36 months in jail on each count, to be served con­sec­u­tively, for a total of 72 months. Goudy will be eli­gi­ble for early release after serv­ing five years.

Goudy pleaded guilty to both charges in April.

The sen­tence imposed by the judge was greater than the state’s rec­om­men­da­tion of 54 months.

Goudy was remanded to the cus­tody of the Defi­ance County Sheriff’s Office fol­low­ing Monday’s hear­ing.

The child is cur­rently in fos­ter care.

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