Jobless numbers getting better

We’re look­ing at the job­less num­bers released this week. For Ohio, the unem­ploy­ment rate stood at 4.2 per­cent for Octo­ber, that’s down from September.

Job­less num­bers fell in more than half of the state’s 88 counties.

Williams County’s unem­ploy­ment rate dropped 3.6 per­cent in Octo­ber, to its low­est point in years, beat­ing August’s 3.7 percent.

More peo­ple in Henry County have been get­ting jobs. The unem­ploy­ment rate dropped slightly to 3.8 in Octo­ber. The county has seen the most pos­i­tive trend in the region since April, drop­ping from sum­mer rates that were in the 5.0–5.5 range.

Defi­ance County’s rate for Octo­ber was 4.2 per­cent, still the high­est rate in the region, but the rate still dropped from 4.5 in September.

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