Jobs In Auburn

Tech­nol­ogy Solu­tions, Inc., a firm spe­cial­iz­ing in med­ical soft­ware and archery equip­ment, announced plans today to expand its oper­a­tions in Steuben County, cre­at­ing up to 26 new jobs by 2016.

The com­pany says it will invest $1.89 mil­lion to pur­chase, ren­o­vate and equip a 20,280 square-foot facil­ity in Ash­ley. The facil­ity is expected to begin oper­a­tions by this sum­mer.

Tech­nol­ogy Solu­tions, which cur­rently employs 16 full-time Indi­ana asso­ciates, plans to begin hir­ing social mar­keters, graphic design­ers, ani­ma­tors, pro­gram­mers, sales rep­re­sen­ta­tives and ware­house per­son­nel in the com­ing months. Inter­ested appli­cants may apply through WorkOne North­east in Auburn or at

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