Electric Rates May Increase

Bryan Util­i­ties Direc­tor Brian Car­lin told the Bryan Board of Pub­lic Affairs Tues­day, that the extreme cold weather, along with other market-driven con­di­tions have increased Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties’ power sup­ply costs.

That means that some cus­tomers may have higher elec­tric bills than usual.

Accord­ing to The Bryan Times, Car­lin said BMU’s power sup­ply costs for Jan­u­ary were higher than expected.

He said that while the price of elec­tric power itself did not change, trans­mis­sion fees and increased con­sump­tion could add to the power sup­ply cost adjust­ment por­tion of elec­tric bills.

Car­lin said the sit­u­a­tion is sim­i­lar to the power sup­ply cost adjust­ment lev­els dur­ing the very hot sum­mer of 2010.

What it boils down to is that an aver­age res­i­den­tial cus­tomer who used about 1,000 kilo­watt hours of energy in Jan­u­ary, could see an addi­tional $4.10 added to their bill.

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