Jumped Through The Sunroof!

Two juve­niles who police say jumped from a mov­ing vehi­cle on State Route 120 Sun­day morn­ing, were flown to an area hos­pi­tal for treat­ment of their injuries. It hap­pened just before 7 yes­ter­day morn­ing, when the two were found lying in the road with seri­ous injuries. The Samar­i­tan Heli­copter was called in, and the two, one male and one female, were flown to Parkview Regional Med­ical Cen­ter with what were described as seri­ous inter­nal injuries. An inves­ti­ga­tion was begun by the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office and Indi­ana State Police, which resulted in the arrest of the male dri­ver for oper­at­ing a vehi­cle while intox­i­cated. Inves­ti­ga­tors believe the two injured juve­niles, whose names are not being released because of their ages, went up through the sun­roof and then fell off the mov­ing vehi­cle. So far, their intent is still unclear. Police say there were five teens in the vehi­cle when it hap­pened. The inves­ti­ga­tion is con­tin­u­ing today.

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