Tennessee Shootings Hit Close To Home

The shoot­ings in Chat­tanooga, Ten­nessee have hit home here in our area. Pauld­ing High School grad­u­ate Ran­dal Smith, a logis­tics spe­cial­ist in the US Navy, died over the week­end after he and four Marines were shot at a recruit­ing cen­ter in Chat­tanooga last Thurs­day. Smith suc­cumbed to his wounds at 1:19am Sat­ur­day. He was a 2010 grad­u­ate of Pauld­ing High School, and attended col­lege in Ohio before join­ing the mil­i­tary. Smith was shot three times while serv­ing at the Navy Oper­a­tional Sup­port Cen­ter in Chattanooga.

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