Over 100 ODOT crews through­out our area con­tinue to plow state and fed­eral roads. As winds con­tinue to gust, crews are report­ing drift­ing on some routes, espe­cially in rural areas. ODOT says Dri­vers should take cau­tion and be aware of chang­ing con­di­tions on the road­ways.

Due to the extreme cold air and high wind, ODOT, as of late last night, was still not treat­ing the major­ity of state and fed­eral routes and con­tin­ues to plow snow drifts. OODT is using treated stone in select areas on bridges and over­passes. Most routes in North­west Ohio remain snow packed, but are dri­vable if you travel at a reduced rate of speed.

ODOT does not expect cur­rent road con­di­tions to improve until tem­per­a­tures rise above sin­gle dig­its. At this time, ODOT crews are plan­ning to begin treat­ing when tem­per­a­tures are 15 degrees and ris­ing and wind decreases. Both of this cri­te­ria is nec­es­sary accord­ing to offi­cials.

ODOT expects this to take time as tem­per­a­tures remain cold through­out the day. ODOT Dis­trict Two will be treat­ing over 3,000 lane miles in Ful­ton, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, San­dusky, Seneca, Williams and Wood coun­ties.

Along cer­tain areas of the inter­state in Wood and Lucas coun­ties, crews will be using a blend of cal­cium chlo­ride, brine and a beet deriv­a­tive along with salt.

Many coun­ties con­tinue to oper­ate in tan­dem for­ma­tion, when two or more plows team up to remove drift­ing snow. This aids in remov­ing snow and improves safety for our plow dri­vers.

Motorists are reminded to that no mat­ter what level of emer­gency is declared in your county, roads con­di­tions are not antic­i­pated to change until wind dies down and tem­per­a­tures rise above sub­zero conditions.

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