Latest on Bradly Gilbert

New info this morn­ing about Bradly Gilbert. He’s charged with the mur­der of Jonathon Hofner of Wauseon. Last week, Gilbert entered a “not guilty by rea­son of insan­ity” plea in Williams County Court of Com­mon Pleas. After Hofner’s body was found on a hik­ing trail in Mont­pe­lier on Octo­ber 26th, Gilbert was arrested the next day in North Car­olina. Williams County Pros­e­cu­tor said he’ll be men­tally eval­u­ated.
Gilbert was also indicted by a Williams County grand jury on Nov. 11 and charged with kid­nap­ping, aggra­vated rob­bery, grand theft auto and petty theft involv­ing the victim’s credit card. If con­victed, Gilbert could face a max­i­mum prison sen­tence of life with­out parole because “the death penalty is not an option under the law in this case,” Zart­man said. Gilbert remains in cus­tody at the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio. His next pre­trial hear­ing is Mon­day, Dec. 21.

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