Latest on Bryan middle school bomb threat

Bryan Mid­dle School was evac­u­ated Thurs­day after­noon after a bomb threat was found in one of the school’s bath­rooms. Bryan Police, Ohio State Patrol, Williams County Sheriff’s and Bryan Fire depart­ments responded. They would not com­ment on any pos­si­ble sus­pects, or motives.

A press release from Bryan City Schools stated that the evac­u­a­tion took place around 12:40 p.m.

Sev­enth and eighth grade stu­dents were evac­u­ated to the district’s field house on Foun­tain Grove Drive while fifth and sixth grade stu­dents were gath­ered in Bryan First Brethren Church on County Road C.

Super­in­ten­dent Diana Sav­age said “The stu­dents and staff did a great job of evac­u­at­ing the build­ing and com­ing to the reuni­fi­ca­tion sites and the par­ents have done a great job of remain­ing calm and patient as we get their chil­dren to them,” Sav­age said. She thanked the offi­cers and fire­fight­ers who helped at the scene. “The plan did work well, we’re sorry we had to use it.”

Offi­cers waited for the dogs to begin their inspec­tion of the area. By 3:30 p.m., three dogs had cleared the out­side area and cars and were prepar­ing to enter the build­ing. Two arrived from Toledo, one from the Uni­ver­sity of Toledo, one from Allen County and one from Bowl­ing Green.
Around that same time, the major­ity of the stu­dents had been retrieved by par­ents and teach­ers were told they could go home.

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