U.S. Con­gress­man Bob Latta spoke to Farm Bureau mem­bers at their annual meet­ing Thurs­day evening.

The Bryan Times reports that Latta spoke about con­gress and what they are try­ing to accom­plish before the end of the year.

He those in atten­dance that the Farm Bill has to be passed or we will fall back to the 1949 laws. Latta says soy­beans weren’t even being grown around here back then.

Latta also spoke about gas avail­abil­ity, jobs, and reg­u­la­tions on small busi­ness, and also about taxes, claim­ing they are too com­pli­cated.

Answer­ing a ques­tion about for­eign aid, Latta said to take a look online to see the United States debt held by for­eign coun­tries.

He said the fact that we owe China $1.2 tril­lion and yet we send them for­eign aid, is wrong.

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