Layoffs coming to Titan Tire, timetable set

Lay­offs are com­ing to Titan Tire in Bryan, at least 130 employ­ees will be laid off next year. Titan Tire man­age­ment noti­fied the Ohio Office of Work­force Devel­op­ment of the com­ing lay­offs. The company’s oper­a­tions man­ager, Thomas Ort, said that weak mar­ket con­di­tions are are not expected to improve dur­ing 2016.
In Novem­ber, when Titan Tire released its third quar­ter results, sales for the com­pany were down 31.3 per­cent com­pared to the num­bers from one year prior.
Titan Tire of Bryan will start lay­offs begin­ning on Feb. 8, 2016
Ort did write that Titan Tire antic­i­pates the lay­offs to be tem­po­rary and will last a min­i­mum of six months, with the pos­si­bil­ity that some or all of the lay­offs will last 12 months or longer.
The let­ter also says if mar­ket con­di­tions don’t improve, the lay­offs may be permanent.
Titan Tire in Bryan man­u­fac­tures Titan and Goodyear tires.

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