Lirot To Stay On Ballot In Edon

Michael Lirot’s name will remain on the Nov. 3 bal­lot as a can­di­date for Vil­lage of Edon coun­cil. The Bryan Times reports today, that on Mon­day, the Williams County Board of Elec­tions unan­i­mously denied a protest of Lirot’s coun­cil can­di­dacy that had been filed by Edon Mayor Dar­lene Burkhardt, who said she was protest­ing sim­ply as an Edon res­i­dent and not in any offi­cial capac­ity. Burkhardt alleged that Lirot did not live in Edon, and there­fore he can’t run for office. How­ever, the elec­tions board, after hear­ing from both sides in the issue, denied the protest by Burkhardt, by a unan­i­mous 4–0 vote.

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