Unem­ploy­ment rates were down in our region in March.

The Ohio Depart­ment of Job and Fam­ily Ser­vices reports the largest drop was in Henry County, which went from 9.6 per­cent in Feb­ru­ary to 8.9 per­cent in March.

Put­nam County had the low­est over­all unem­ploy­ment rate in the area at 6.6 per­cent.

March rates for other coun­ties were 7.3% in Defi­ance; 7% in Pauld­ing; 7.4% in Williams; and 8.9% in Ful­ton.

The state’s non-seasonally adjusted unem­ploy­ment rate was 7.3 per­cent, com­pared to 7.6 per­cent in the nation for March.

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