Local electric coop works to sponsor veterans Honor Flight

Pauld­ing Put­nam Elec­tric is work­ing to raise $70,000 to pay for area vet­er­ans to get a free trip to DC on an upcom­ing Honor Flight. They were cre­ated to honor vet­er­ans for their ser­vice and sac­ri­fices for the nation by fly­ing them to Wash­ing­ton, D.C., to see and reflect at the var­i­ous memorials.
Pauld­ing Put­nam offi­cials found out there is a long wait­ing list of vet­er­ans in north­west Ohio and north­east Indi­ana for the Honor Flight. That’s why Pauld­ing Put­nam says they decided to spon­sor a flight going out of Fort Wayne to DC this year. One of the fundrais­ing efforts is raf­fling a Chevy 4by4 truck. Details are at PPEC.coop.

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